Why IBM Planning Analytics is Ahead of the Game

When IBM launched their TM1 platform, that was the beginning of what would be a software revolution for business applications. In a cutthroat world where speed, efficiency and versatility became king, the need to remain current in the digital landscape was never more paramount.

In 2018, IBM planning analytics is the answer to those continual concerns as the market becomes more diverse, more competitive and even more complex than it was 10-20 years ago.

No matter what niche or what department you are situated in, there must be clarity from every end of a business. An

enterprise lives or dies by its ability to interpret information and proactively act on it, something that IBM has prided itself on for years.

Right here, we will outline the merits of the IBM planning analytics platform to argue why it is a market leader, a fact that can be overlooked by operators who are simply on the hunt for a bargain.

Rich Data Framework

If you are upgrading from the original Cognos TM1 model, then IBM planning analytics will allow you to integrate any cube from any database that you choose. The Workspace application in this format really does deliver for the end user, eliminating any hassle when it comes to data conversion. That can slow down the performance of an enterprise who are attempting to utilise a tool that is efficient and timely. With the help of selectors like slider, list and tile, the content can remain within context as the filters are shaped and shifted according to your own demands.

What-If Scenario Analysis

IBM planning analytics

There are moments when a business finds itself at a crossroads. Either a product has encountered problems or an investment opportunity has emerged with a potential commercial partner. Head one way and you might be on a path to major profits. Head the other way and you could be filing for bankruptcy. What is the solution here?


IBM planning analytics offers you a what-if analysis to play these hypothetical scenarios out in data form. Numbers could scale upwards or downwards as it integrates external and internal influences judging by the markets and other projections. This information will help you to see whether or not your assumptions are correct, switching away from the need to rely simply on gut instinct.

Uniformity Across Departments

Attempting to find common ground between different departments is tricky for a medium to large enterprise. IBM planning analytics assists in this field by offering a service that integrates a universal plan, no matter what sector of the business is in focus. From the customer service desk to the HR department, the sales team or the board of directors, each party is privy to the same processes.

High Level Automation

There will be events noted and upgrades that take place by IBM planning analytics that does not require any human intervention. Cutting down on human error through an automated process is part and parcel of what this software brand can deliver, by providing insight notifications at scheduled times and issuing analytics that work off internal memory data.


Should you be forced to run your online management and data analysis through a one-size-fits-all model? If you believe there are alternative methods that suits your business, why be forced to stick to an application that is inflexible? Thankfully IBM planning analytics addresses this concern head-on by delivering a multidimensional framework that filters information according to your internal designs. Product valuation, testing and customer demographic reporting can all be crafted by a developer that is privy to a brand’s own circumstances.


Judge IBM planning analytics for yourself as a business developer. The reputation of this brand is unwavering and there are a number of competing outlets who would love your business. However, it is obvious that the features and services on offer from IBM planning analytics is leading the way to ensure that organisations are maximising their potential and market reach.